DNS [Route 53]

WHAT IS IT? [Azure DNS/ Google DNS]
Route 53 is Amazon’s DNS web service for AWS. It enables developers to help their users find the quickest route from the end user’s computer to the server running an application. R53 is particularly essential for failover, or just switching to some redundant live systems to make sure your user can still use your app. You can use Route 53’s health checks to route traffic to ensure that the end user always arrives at their working landing page.

Users may be accessing your app from all over the world, and Route 5e helps you figure out how to build this motorway from their computer, phone or fridge across the internet to your service.


When someone on your team brings up anything related to Route 53, your ears oughta perk up since it generally pertains to your services’ overall health. You’ll use Route 53 to route traffic with different routing types, like latency or how physically close they are to your server.
Sticking with the motorway analogy, Route 53 finds an alternative motorway if a sinkhole destroyed part of the primary one. The end-user shouldn’t notice a difference because, well - it’s the internet and you’d otherwise get motion sickness if you stuck your head out of the window. Packets fly at the speed of light!


Simple Queue Service (SQS)

